Empowering your Virtual Team (cont.)
Boost and Build Confidence - Find moments to genuinely point out accomplishments. Though it may seem
redundant, frequent verbal affirmation makes up for the lack of body language interpretation in virtual
environments. Start with small compliments - provide feedback and learning checks throughout the
project, and if possible, provide more visible rewards as they are appropriate.
Get to Know Your Team Members - Identify the types of challenges that motivate your team members,
and utilize their strengths by assigning tasks appropriately. Having this understanding will aid you in finding
the best combination of incentives to empower your team, especially in virtual environments with both
internal employees and external consultants. Take the time to ask your group members what challenges
them to succeed and build from there.
Utilizing these approaches at the onset of your project, will position your team for success. Take into
account the dynamics of your team, as well as your organizational culture and structure, and tailor your
approach as necessary. Maintain a positive attitude and ensure that attitude emanates through your
actions and our Virtual Team members will recognize it, even if they actually can't see it.