Improving Communication Pathways When Establishing Virtual Teams
As our global economy evolves, virtual teams are becoming a more popular and cost-effective way to work. Though
managers and employees have adjusted to the physical conveniences of remote work, there remains a struggle to
adapt to the new communication style associated with virtual teams.
Virtual team leaders are faced with being accountable for the work of team members while also coaching and evaluating
them from a distance. In order to ensure the success of a virtual team, team leaders should ensure that communication
pathways are established at the forefront, while managing and coaching the team remotely by utilizing virtual
communication technologies.
When establishing clear communication channels for a virtual team, team leaders should take into account the following:
1. Prepare your team for change - Virtual teams require daily and multi-directional communication. Prepare your
team members at the onset for this adjustment by explaining what changes they will experience and why. In addition,
empower your team members by guiding them on how they can initiate lines of communication.
2. Know how your team members communicate - Ask your team members which communication methods
they prefer to use, and how often they typically communicate. This insight will help you identify who may require
more support to adjust to the new working style, and may also provide a starting point to establish team ground
3. Establish ground rules - Set guidelines for daily, hourly, and weekly communications, as well as a method
of reporting and relaying work instructions, record-keeping and file exchange. Establish ground rules for
understanding which technologies should be used to communicate in particular contexts, as it will prevent
any miscommunications from occurring.
4. Build relationships - Just as in a traditional working environment, team leaders must establish an
environment of trust and respect. Regular coaching and positive reinforcement through virtual communication
(and face-to-face whenever possible) is critical to ensuring a high level of motivation and morale amongst team