Why PowerPoint Still Matters (cont.)
Visual Learning - Since 40% of the population happens to be visual learners, PowerPoint became a fundamental tool to
encourage the facilitation of visual learning. Training and Development professionals incorporate PowerPoint's functionality
to heighten visual learning by embedding carefully-selected graphics, charts, videos and animations to reinforce learning.
PowerPoint functionality still lends very practically to this purpose today for instructor-led training.
Generational Gaps - Baby Boomers in particular are comfortable learning in a classroom environment and aren't as quick
to jump on the advent of new technologies. They have become accustomed to expecting PowerPoint presentations
during instructor-led training and when a training program is designed effectively using PowerPoint, it best helps facilitate
their learning.
Practicality - For those who are thrust into a time crunch to produce a program, PowerPoint can be used to roll out a learning
initiative far quicker than those using other development tools. Those who work in precarious environments and with a
limited training budget can benefit from the development of a balanced learning program using PowerPoint.
The Driver - Behind the wheel of any good training program delivered by PowerPoint is a great facilitator. A common
mistake made by those who aren't seasoned facilitators is that they rely on the slide show to facilitate the learning. Most
learners who come out of a great classroom training session will be affected by the learning if it was communicated to them
effectively. This tends not to be the case if you spent the day reading all of the slides. They are used to prompt you, not
uncover all your discussion points.
The tortured abuse that has been inflicted through the misuse of PowerPoint during Instructor-Led training can be easily
prevented. For those who are quick to dismiss Microsoft PowerPoint as a 20th century relic, think again. When the tool is
put in the hands of professionals who truly understand how to build a great training program, PowerPoint can be an
affordable and accessible tool that can aid visual learning and complement a great classroom training initiative. It can
appeal to a workforce of multiple generations and maximize the time and effort associated with instructor-led training,
as well as the transfer of learning.