How to Position Yourself as a Desired Training Professional (cont.)
Project Details - Rather than summarizing timelines and projects briefly in your chronology, provide a description
for each experience, including project scope, timelines, personal deliverables and course subject titles. Be sure to use
action words to describe your successes, and speak in the past tense unless you are describing a current project.
Several of the common key words will naturally appear in searches within project detail descriptions.
Partial Client List - Provide a list of previous clients, as it will allow others to understand which organizations you
have had exposure to in the past. A list of industries serves a similar purpose should it be a more appropriate solution for
your circumstances.
Clean Format - Though online sites have a pre-determined web-based template, make your resume document
easy to read by using clear fonts, margins, layouts, bullets and charts whenever necessary. The use of vertical bullet lists
in two or three columns will allow you to optimize your space without overcrowding the page. The document should be
free of spelling or grammatical errors, and elaborate colors or layouts should be avoided.
The key to success in the gig-to-gig world is the reassurance that your knowledge, skills and abilities can be easily
pinpointed by those who desire your services. Taking the time to ensure that key terms are evident in your resume or
online profile will bring you that much closer to the career opportunity of your dreams!