How to Design a Balanced Train-the-Trainer Program (cont.)
Technology - Deliver the Train-the-Trainer session using the technologies required of the
actual training program, as it serves as a good model. Give Trainers a chance to experiment with
new technologies in a safe environment. It will prevent unnecessary delays or mishaps during employee
training sessions. Provide extra time for technical difficulties that could crop up during the training session
as this is always a consideration to take into account and they are well-prepared.
Available Space - Ensure that the space is conducive to learning the specific content.
In addition, the space itself needs to be designed to accommodate the technology, number of Trainers
and physical constraints. Is the space conducive to activities and practice of the learning content? Space
and time can often be balanced if portions of the training can be conducted in a modular form, in a remote
location, or in several rotations. For example, squeezing 20 Trainers into a cramped room full of tables and chairs,
and expecting them to conduct an interactive role play exercise or group work, may not be the best choice.
A secure approach to planning a Train-the-Trainer session is to build in contingency time as a best
practice, since providing a buffer of extra time is always better than running short. Additionally,
understanding the fundamental needs of the Train-the-Trainer session itself will help you balance
your program priorities, as well as ensure that both the Trainers and your employees succeed as
they learn new and exciting skills to enhance their performance on the job.