Leading with Emotional Intelligence
The first segment of this article, published in our last issue
(December 2010), related to evidence of ranging abilities
constituting to what is defined as emotional intelligence (EQ) -
along with its direct link in determining success in the workplace.
As management and human resources of many companies
face enormous challenges, organizations everywhere are noticing
how this emerging trend, including the ability to lead, plays a crucial
part in how today's management meets the challenges they face.
Recent survey results of 150 executives from the largest organizations
identified leadership among the most important assets of managers. Every leader
is considerably an expert in their chosen field, but the IQ of this role explains less
than 25% of the success they'll experience while managing. Compare this to the
remaining 75% relying on emotional intelligence, and you'll realize that IQ is not a real
differentiator in making a leader into a star performer.
It's imperative that today's leaders hone well-tuned people skills as opposed to focusing
on sharpening their technical expertise. Rather than focusing solely on what employees
do, more emphasis and understanding should be placed towards the thoughts and feelings
that generate these actions. This type of understanding is directly linked to EQ, which
can enhance leadership in meeting increasingly and challenging management demands.
Leaders of higher EQ manage to outperform their peers having less ability in this
competency. In jobs of medium complexity (i.e. sales clerks and mechanics), a top
performer is 12 times more productive compared to those at the bottom and
85% more productive than those that are average. In more complex jobs, including
insurance salespeople and account managers, top performers are 127% more
productive than their average performers. One third of this difference is due to technical
skill and cognitive ability, while the remainder related to emotional competencies.