Attitude or Qualifications? Workplace Competencies Redefined (cont.)
motivating ourselves
recognizing the emotions of others
handling relationships
Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
So how can we conceptualize a highly Emotional
Intelligent workplace, if embracing the values of a
company isn't enough anymore? The foundation
of an emotionally intelligent workplace is one that
reflects a high regard of trust, respect, authenticity,
professionalism, appropriateness, and effectiveness.
In turn, employees become more receptive to their
responsibilities as they enjoy a comfortable work
environment, promoting a willingness to cooperate,
resolve conflicts in a skillful manner, and are able
to adapt to change with very little disruption in
However, while some researchers suggest that
these proficiencies can be learned and strengthened,
others claim it is an inborn characteristic.
Establishing emotional intelligence in the workplace
can begin with a simple interaction with those
around us, and can be developed to the extent
of transforming an entire organization having an
immediate and positive impact on workplace
variables including:
- Leadership and Management effectiveness
- Teamwork effectiveness and innovation
- Sales performance and customer service skills
- Employee performance such as productivity, absenteeism,
job satisfaction, and loyalty
- Occupational stress
- Interpersonal effectiveness
- Workforce recruitment
Look for more information in our next issue on how
we unintentionally can de-motivate our employees.