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For the Expert

To be or not to be … a contract trainer

To be or not to be … a contract trainerAre you weighing the decision of working as a contract trainer versus full-time employment with one company? If so, it is helpful to consider your personality, attributes and career goals as they relate to these two options. For example:

  1. Do you easily adapt to and excel in changing situations and environments?
  2. Do you tend to view things objectively without allowing personal biases to intrude?
  3. Are you quick to engage the people around you?
  4. Do you have a structured career path that is important for you to pursue over the long term?
  5. Are you most comfortable working with the same people every day in the familiar environment of a single employer?
To be …
Successful contract trainers are individuals who quickly adapt to new and different situations and enjoy working on multiple concurrent projects. They bring fresh perspectives to organizations in their objective viewpoints. Because contract trainers are expected to be productive immediately, successful contractors are those who are personable, excellent listeners, good conversationalists and quick to engage the team around them. And above all, they are independent and empowered to accept responsibility for their own success.
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