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Who is Justin Times?

Hiring Managers and Training Consultants Find New Hero in Justin Times Courtesy of TrainingFolks

Justin TimesDreaming about a superhero to rescue you from the overload of training when there is a merger, acquisition, technology initiative or other major project?

TrainingFolks knows how you feel. So they have introduced Justin Times, a superhero-like character that will grace the front of their informative newsletter. Each issue will contain concise, to-the-point articles aimed specifically at the needs of hiring managers and training consultants. Justin Times made his first North American appearance in hundreds of inboxes in June and will return with valuable information on a regular basis.

TrainingFolks has the ability to quickly mobilize a large number of top quality professionals in a cost effective and efficient manner. This allows clients to deploy the right number of people with the right skill sets at the right time at the right locations across North America,” says Owen Davis, Managing Director of U.S. Operations for TrainingFolks. “TrainingFolks and this just-in-time model have saved many projects from disaster. We thought it would be fun to create a character that would personify what we do on a regular basis.

About TrainingFolks
Through its offices in Charlotte, North Carolina; Toronto, Canada; and Islamabad, Pakistan, TrainingFolks assists some of the world’s most successful organizations in implementing change and building a higher performing workforce. Founded in 1997, TrainingFolks provides clients with contract trainers for initiatives of any size and instructional designers for projects and short term assignments. Call 704-987-7761 or visit for more information.

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